Partnering Up

There's nothing I enjoy more than teaming up with blogs I love! So naturally, I'm ecstatic for my latest opportunity to partner up with Kat over at one of my all-time favorite blogs - Inspired To Action. This blog has provided so much encouragement and inspiration (no pun intended) for me since I first discovered it about 18 months ago. I must admit I LOVE their daily reminders to live intentionally, prayerfully, and to take action!

When Kat and I talked about our second go-around partnering up, she threw out the idea of tying in a Red Letter Ink giveaway with something new she's trying on the blog - "Good Reads and Good Deeds". When she explained it to me, it sounded perfect. Absolutely perfect. Basically, Kat throws out some "Good Reads" for the week from other blogs/websites, then she puts out a "Good Deeds" challenge for the week. It's really THE perfect combination!

This week's "Good Deeds" challenge is this:
"This week’s challenge is to write a letter to someone. It can be a sticky note for one of your kids, a postcard for your Aunt or a five page mega letter to your Compassion child. Whatever works for you. Words are powerful. Share some this week. Are you up for the challenge?"

Kat went on to share her love for displaying TRUTH around her home for her children to soak into their hearts...and then she announced a fun Red Letter Ink giveaway package - {1} 8x10 print, {1} 5x7 print, and {1} Multi-pack of note cards. We are super excited to continue reading the comments on Kat's post to see how others are reaching out and encouraging people in their lives this week! Take a few minutes and stop over to read Inspired To Action's "Good Deeds" challenge - I promise you won't regret it!

P.S. I'll be taking the "Good Deeds" challenge just because I'm addicted to sending note cards ... the difficult decision for the week will be deciding who to send a note to. :) Sounds like I may be sending out more than one!



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