Child-like Faith

The past few days after the horrific events that took place on Friday, December 14th, 2012 have had all of us deep in thought, trying to process how something like this could happen. What a senseless act that has changed the course of so many people's lives. None of us can fully wrap our minds around what each of the families must be feeling. Our hearts simply ache alongside theirs. The rest of us realized just how incredibly blessed we were to be able to meet our kids with suffocating hugs as they stepped off the bus Friday afternoon. Everything had been put in to perspective.

Over the weekend social media and the news outlets have spread information (and misinformation) like wildfire. Our society is so desperately searching for answers. "How on earth could this happen? And WHY?" Unfortunately, none of the answers we may find will change the reality of it all, nor will it take away the hurt and anguish so many are feeling. The one and only thing that anyone can take comfort in during a time like this is that regardless of how unspeakable this all may be, God is still in control. And His heart is also heavy.

As I was driving in the car yesterday the song "Away In A Manger" came on the radio ... and at the third verse, the lyrics brought me to tears:

Be near me, Lord Jesus;
I ask Thee to stay
Close by me forever
And love me I pray!
Bless all the dear children
In Thy tender care,
And fit us for Heaven
To live with Thee there.

The thought of heaven having added 20 sweet baby angels on Friday morning was just about more than I could take. Being the mom of a 6-year-old 1st grader I couldn't even fathom it. I don't know how a person could get through something like this without having the hope and security we have been given through Jesus Christ. His word tells us that we are to have faith like a child. Child-like faith is the wonder and awe at what Christ did for us. It's a mix of trust, hope, and sincerity that knows the Lord loves us and will take care of us. Because of our trust in the Lord, we are able to take comfort in Him...especially in difficult times like these. Child-like faith sees the world as exciting and adventurous, and worth going after with our faith so opportunities to please God overtake our tendency to stay within our self-serving comfort zone. And because children are dependent, they must have faith that they will be taken care of. This is a perfect example of how we are called to put our trust and faith in our Lord. Having child-like faith will encourage us to be humble as we realize who we are in Christ. Without humility, we can't come to the Lord, because we don't possess the ability on our own to admit our need, surrender our hearts, or be able to grow in faith. My prayer through all of this is that God will draw near the hearts of those who may have wandered away, or perhaps have yet to recognize their need for Him. The Comforter will take care of those who are hurting and will one day right the wrongs of this world. If ever there were a time to focus on Christmas and the sheer joy that this blessed event stirs in our hearts, it's now. May the hope and joy that's been given to us be the focal point of our lives ... as we strive to live a life here in this messed up world with faith like a child.

1 John 4:4
"Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. "



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